Personalise your store to match your brand and website
In the Settings for the Web Store there are options for changing how your Web Store appears when loaded.
The different branding options you have in the Web Store settings are:
Display name: Company or store display name to show at the top of the Web Store.
Website redirect link: The URL to take customers back to when they click ‘return to website’. This is typically your website, so you customer can return to it after they have finished ordering.
Primary & secondary theme colours: These set the colour of the primary and secondary elements in the Web Store.
Logo: The logo you want to use in the header of your Web Store, if you want to use one.
Favicon: The little icon that appears in the tab of a browser window for your store.
Sales notification email: The email address we will use to send notification of an order being placed via your Web Store.
Support email: The email address that will be displayed in the Web Store for customers to contact when they require support or assistance.
Support contact number: The phone number that will be displayed in the Web Store for customers to contact when they require support or assistance.
Order notification message: The message that appears in the order receipt emails that go to customers who place an order through your store.
Last updated