QuickBooks integration

A how to guide to connect your ToolBox to QuickBooks

Connecting to QuickBooks

Establishing the connection

  1. Open Settings from the left hand menu.

  2. Select the Integrations link under the Organisation heading in the settings navigation bar.

  3. Click the 'Connect QuickBooks' button to open the integration settings.

  4. Click Connect.

  5. Choose "QuickBooks Production Account" to connect your real account. The sandbox option is for testing only.

  6. Authorise the integration by logging into QuickBooks as an admin user and selecting the organisation to create invoices in.


Overview tab

Explains how the integration works.

Configuration tab

Enable the 'Create part per line item' workflow to ensure invoices are created in QuickBooks.

Each line in the invoice will be the part name, part quantity, part unit price, and part line total. Miscellaneous items will each be on their own line item, and if there is a minimum charge amount, it will appear as its own line item as well.

Here is the screenshot of the configuration option for QuickBooks, after a connection has been established:

QuickBooks product or service: Your QuickBooks account must be set up to use Products & Services.

Enter the exact name of the Product/Service item name into the configuration screen. This determines the revenue recording sales account and the tax rate for invoices.

If no product or service is specified, the integration will look for one named “Services”, but if there is no "Services" item this will result in a $0 invoice.

The Product/Service item must also have a tax type assigned to it.

Please reach out to support@tempustools.com for assistance if needed.

Adding custom fields

QuickBooks gives you the option to add custom fields to your invoices. To do this, access custom fields through Settings > Lists > Custom fields. QuickBooks lets you create up to 3 different fields for the invoice, so it’s possible for you to have both the PO number and the quote number on the invoice.

After you create the custom field in QuickBooks, you have to type that custom field’s name into the new ToolBox settings exactly as it is spelled in QuickBooks. If the names match, ToolBox will send the relevant data into that custom field:

How the integration works

An invoice is created in QuickBooks at the point of marking a quote as Invoiced in ToolBox.

Warning: if a customer is not assigned to the quote in ToolBox, the invoice will not be created in QuickBooks.

Common reasons for an invoice to fail to be created

If you have marked a ToolBox quote as Invoiced and QuickBooks isn't showing the new invoice after a couple of minutes, something has gone wrong in the integration.

Integration setup requirements

The first thing to check is that your QuickBooks integration is setup and active. Follow the steps above to ensure that:

  • Your ToolBox account is connected to your QuickBooks account; and

  • The 'Part per line item' workflow is toggled in the On position.

Quote requirements

  • A customer and contact need to be assigned to the ToolBox quote.

    QuickBooks requires that an invoice has a contact assigned to it. To ensure this requirement is met, your ToolBox quote must have a customer and contact assigned before it is marked as Invoiced.

  • Mark the ToolBox quote as Invoiced to trigger the invoice creation.

    The invoice in QuickBooks won't be created until you mark the ToolBox quote as Invoiced. This generates an invoice number and document in ToolBox and the same number is used as the invoice number in QuickBooks, if your QuickBooks account has custom document numbers enabled.

Invoice number requirements

  • Ensure the invoice number in ToolBox didn't already exist in QuickBooks. The most common reason for a failed invoice creation in QuickBooks is because the invoice number already existed. QuickBooks requires that all invoices have a unique document number. Check the invoice number in ToolBox for the quote you working with, and see if there was already an invoice in your QuickBooks account with that number. To fix this, check that the 'Next invoice number' in your ToolBox account's organisation settings (Quote and Documents section) is a number that doesn't already exist in your QuickBooks account. Change the prefix or the number to something else if you are expecting another duplicate number error. Duplicate the quote you were working with in ToolBox (from the Quotes screen, or with the Actions > Duplicate button inside the quote) and mark the new quote as Invoiced to trigger the integration workflow again.

QuickBooks tax settings

As described above in the configuration settings instructions, the integration needs to select a product/service from the QuickBooks product/service link.

Sometimes a tax rate has not been selected for the product/service, or has been selected in the past but is causing an error now. The fix for this is to select (or reselect) a tax rate and then save.

If your invoices are still not being created in QuickBooks despite the above checks, please reach out to us at support@tempustools.com for assistance.

Last updated