Adding parts from a PDF

Introducing PDF Quote in ToolBox

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Video example of PDF Quoting

Adding PDF parts to a quote

The part contained in the PDF needs to be a vector drawing and not an image (photo) of the part.

ToolBox allows you to upload and view PDF drawings and send parts to the quote.

To add a PDF Drawing into your quote:

Selecting this opens up the Add parts from PDF screen:

To load in your PDF file(s), either:

  • Drag and the file and drop it on the "Drop file here" text; or

  • Click the 'Select files' button to browse for and select the fie.

ToolBox will process the upload. Once the upload process is complete, you will see the PDF rendered in a CAD format:

Once your PDF drawing is rendered you may select the part from the PDF you would like to add to your quote, this will highlight the drawing in a different colour to signify what has been selected and open the Part definition window.

In the Part Definition window you can define elements for this part as follows:

  • Name: The name of the part you are defining from the PDF

  • Material: The material of the part you are defining

  • Thickness: The thickness of the defined part

  • Quantity: The quantity of this defined part that is required for your quote

  • Units: Toggle whether the part being defined is in Metric or Inches

  • Part Width: The Width of the required part being defined (This will also auto calculate height)

  • Part Height: The height of the required part being defined (This will also auto calculate width)

  • Edit Part Elements: Selecting these options and then selecting lines in your PDF part will specify elements of the part for either Cutting, Marking, Information, Folding & Ignored.

Once you have defined the parts required from your PDF you may select Save to save this as a defined part within the PDF screen.

To send these PDF parts into your quote select "ADD PART TO QUOTE" from the top right of the Add parts from PDF screen.

Your part will now be sent into your quote ready for calculating.

PDF preferences for loading files

If you are struggling to load your PDF for any reason into ToolBox, you can access the prefferences to change settings which may allow a smoother loading of the PDF files.

To access the preferences head to the button at the top right of the PDF screen.

This will then open a pop-up window in which you can change some of the preferences for the reading and loading of PDF files in ToolBox.

From here you can select to Enable/Disable two preferences when loading the PDF files for quoting.

  • Import solid fills: Usually this preference will be "on" but you may turn this "off" if struggling to load larger files as this will stop the ToolBox PDF reader filling Text within the conversion as a solid fill item. Please note: if you are struggling to load a file and turn this setting off you may not be able to see some text objects in the converted file.

  • Ignore raster images: Usually this preference will be "off” but you may turn this “on” to stop rendering any raster images (png, jpg etc.) in the conversion of the PDF file for quoting.

Last updated