Adding rotary parts to a quote
How to upload Rotary parts for quoting
Setup required
Adding rotary parts to a quote is easy. However, there is setup involved before you can assign a material and calculate a price.
Different materials need to be setup in order to assign them to the part, and those materials are cut with different machines which runs on different speeds and rules.
See the information in our tube cutting section for how to setup your ToolBox account to quote for tube:
Extruded parts cannot be quoted at this time
See our article on What Rotary parts will ToolBox work with? to see what kinds of parts can currently be quoted in the tube cutting module, and what kinds of parts won't be accepted.
ToolBox allows you to upload and view Rotary parts. It then identifies the material components in the model.
To add a Rotary part:
Selecting this opens up the Rotary parts screen:
To load in your Rotary file(s), either:
Drag and the file and drop it on the "Drop file here" text; or
Click the 'Select files' button to browse for and select the fie.
ToolBox will process the upload. Once the upload process is complete, you will see the 3D render and information regarding these parts on the right hand side of the page.
Optional: Choose the material you want to specify for the part.
Last updated