Area-based secondary processes
Area based secondary processes and how they work
Area-based secondary processes
The area based secondary operations in ToolBox works on the area of the part to calculate a price against a measurement rate for the secondary process.
This type of secondary process will work best with processes such as Painting, Powder Coating, Polishing etc.
You will see a sample of a Area based secondary processes in your ToolBox account.
Example area-based secondary processes
There a 3 different ways you can use an area measure type to calculate a secondary process within ToolBox, these three options are:
Rectangular Area
Surface Area - 1 Side, no edges
Surface Area - 2 Sides & Edges
Depending on what you use for the calculation will affect the calculation of the secondary process and the price determined from this by ToolBox.
For example if we use these options to set up an operation for Polishing, we could do this using any of the above methods, depending on how we wanted to charge for this process.
Below we have created 3 Polishing processes, using each of the pricing methods so we can see how this affects the pricing in a quote.
Taking these into a quote with an identical part will help show the ways the differing methods calculate the pricing.
Area calculation for a triangle as in this example is (height x base / 2).
Looking at the above figures we can see how the differing pricing methods have affected the price calculated for the secondary processes.
Rectangular Area: This measure type will work out the overall rectangular area of the part in m2, in this example (500mm x 500mm = 0.25m2) and then calculates this against our price per measure which is £10.00 per m2 (£10.00 x 0.25m2) which gives us the unit cost of £2.50.
You will notice in this example we have two parts using the rectangular area for the calculations, one plain triangle and one containing a hole cut out from the middle, but as we are using the rectangular area only for the calculation and not the surface area the price calculates is exactly the same.
Surface Area - 1 Side: This measure type will work out the surface area on 1 side of the part in m2, in this example (500mm x 500mm / 2 = 0.125m2) and then calculates this against our price per measure which is £10.00 per m2 (£10.00 x 0.125m2) which gives us the unit cost of £1.25.
Surface Area - 2 Sides & Edges: This measure type will work out the surface area on both sides of the part in m2 & will then add the edges to the area too. For example (500mm x 500mm x 2 / 2 = 0.25m2) for the faces of the part and then calculates the edges of the part ((500mm + 559.02mm + 559.02mm) x 3mm = 0.048m2). We then add these figures together for the total area of part and then calculate this against our price per measure which is £10.00 per m2 (£10.00 x 0.2548m2) which gives us the unit cost of £2.55.
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