Adding & editing rate tables for Rotary

How to add & edit rate tables in ToolBox for Rotary processes.

Adding a rate table

To add a rate table within ToolBox you first need to navigate to the menu and then select Rate Tables.

From this page to create a new rate table you need to select the Add Rate Table option from the top right of the screen.

This will then load the side menu for the creation of the rate table.

Make sure you select your Rotary process in the cutting technology table to assign this new rate table to your Rotary process.

The data in this form is as follows:

  • Name: Name of the rate table you are creating in ToolBox

  • Cutting Technology: Which of the cutting technologies you have set up this rate table is associated too.

  • Base hourly rate: The starting/base hourly rate you want to charge out this rate table out at, this can be altered per thickness within the tables.

  • Etching feed rate: How fast does this rate table etch onto the material or the part when etching is required.

When this data is complete and you are ready to create this rate table select Add to save this rate table into your ToolBox account.

Your new rate table will be ready within ToolBox for you to add data too.

Adding thicknesses to your rate table

To add a row to your rate table for a thickness and the relevant data you will first need to select Add Thickness

From here you will see a side menu with the relevant data that needs populating to add this data to your rate table.

The data in this form is explained below:

  • Thickness

    • The thickness of material that this rate data would be used for in cutting

  • Web

    • The gap/border you would like to leave around parts when nesting to calculate material usage and costs

  • Cutting feed rate

    • The speed your machine runs at when cutting in this thickness and rate table

  • Pierce time

    • The time in seconds it takes your laser to complete a pierce when running on this rate table and thickness

  • Fine speed diameter

    • A cut off point for when you need to switch over from a standard cutting rate to a reduced rate to guarantee finish quality and the smaller details can be cut

  • Fine cutting rate

    • When you switch to fine cutting for small details what speed will you be running the machine at when cutting

  • Fine pierce time

    • What is the pierce time when you switch parameters for cutting the fine details within a part

  • Small holes limit

    • What is the limit you can use the fine cutting details for and the point in which you can no longer cut the detail in this thickness

  • Hourly rate multiplier

    • This is to be used if you want to apply a differing hourly rate for this thickness from your base hourly rate

  • Applied hourly rate

    • The actual hourly rate you will be charging for this thickness if you are using the Hourly rate multiplier

When this data is complete select Add to save this data into your rate table.

Your thickness and the relevant data will now be added to your rate table for use in quoting.

Editing a thickness in a rate table

To edit a thickness and its data already in a rate table you can do so by selecting the edit option in the table.

From here this will open the data for this thickness in the side menu of ToolBox

Once you have made the changes you need to in the thickness data select the Update option to save these changes to the rate table and thickness.

Last updated