Drawing Doctor® commands
The actions you can take in the Drawing Doctor to view and change a part file
Drawing Doctor® commands
Left clicking on a path will select it.
Left clicking other paths will add those paths to the selection.
Left clicking a path that is already selected will deselect it.
Left clicking inside an enclosed shape will select the path that encloses that space
Click and drag to create a selector box. All paths that are completely enclosed in the selector box will be selected.
Ctrl + A will select all paths
Scrolling on a mouse wheel will zoom in or out. Or pinch on a touch screen or touch pad.
Double-click the middle mouse button (mouse wheel) to reset zoom.
Ctrl + +
to zoom in,Ctrl + -
to zoom out, orCtrl + 0
to reset zoom.The centre point of the zoom will be the position of the mouse at the time the zoom is performed. You can zoom out on a multi-part file and then zoom into a specific part by moving the mouse over the desired part before zooming.
Press and hold the scroll wheel button to initiate the pan feature. While holding the button in, move your mouse around to shift the position of the drawing.
Action buttons
Toggle views
Cut path: the Drawing Doctor®. This is were you view the part that is to but quoted and edit its paths as required.
Original CAD: the original file that was loaded into ToolBox, without anything removed and with no edits. This is particularly useful when there are notes on the file that specify part information such as quantity, material and thickness, making it easy to assign the right material to these parts.
Zoom in: perform a stepped zoom closer to the centre of of part
Zoom out: perform a stepped zoom further away from the centre of of part
Zoom fit: reset the zoom and position so that the entire part is visible in the centre of the screen.
Remove non-solid lines: clicking this will remove all lines that are non-solid, such as dashed lines.
Remove open inners: clicking this will remove all lines that are "open" (not enclosed like a part's outer path or inner holes). This is typically used to remove information paths like centre lines.
Extract selected: this will extract the selected enclosed paths from the part as their own parts. This is used for multi-part drawings where you only want to remove some of the parts into their own quote line.
Extract all parts in drawing: this will identify all parts in a multi-part file and extract them automatically into their own quote lines.
Delete selected: clicking this will delete all lines that are selected.
Delete selected and paths inside: this will delete all selected lines as well as any lines inside them. For example, if the outer bounds of a part was selected and this action was used, it would delete the outer bounds as well as all internal geometries. In contrast, the "delete selected" option would only delete the outer bounds.
Delete paths inside selected: this will delete all paths inside the selected path, but not the selected path itself. In contrast to the example above, using this action on the outer path of a part with internal geometries will only delete the internal geometries (not the outer path).
Delete paths outside selected: this will leave the selected path intact but will delete every other path outside of it. For example, in a multi-part file, you could select the outer path of the part you want to keep and then use this action to delete everything else out of the part.
Line entity: change how ToolBox interprets the selected path(s). The current interpretation of the line is indicated by its colour. The colour code is explained in the legend box in the Drawing Doctor®. If your legend is hidden, check the 'show legend' checkbox to show it.
Cutting lines contribute to the time it takes to cut the part. These lines are treated as if they are going to be cut, so logical issues with parts can produce warnings (for example, a hole within a hole within a part doesn't make sense so a warning is issued).
Etching lines add etching time to the part. The thickness of the material is not a factor.
Information lines are visual only. They do not impact time or price and will not be checked for warnings or errors.
Folding lines do not impact cutting time. They are used in the detection of folding inputs for the part. When applying the folding secondary process, set the 'source' to be 'drawing' and it will count the number of folding lines in the part and calculate the distance of the longest fold line automatically. This saves you from manually typing in folding input information.
Last updated