Creating your Rotary process
How to create a Rotary process within your ToolBox account!
Creating a new Rotary Process
To create your Rotary process within ToolBox you will need to go to "Menu > Processes", once in this page you will need to select "Add Cutting Technology" from the top right side of the screen.
Once selected this will open a side window for you to complete the details for the new Cutting Technology you want to add.
Please ensure you select "Rotary" from the Type drop down to create this new cutting technology as a Rotary option.
Complete the data in the form above to create your new cutting technology.
Display Name: The name of the cutting technology and how this will be displayed in ToolBox
Type: The type of cutting technology you are adding in your ToolBox account, Flat or Rotary (Ensure you select rotary for type when adding a Rotary process).
Maximum profile diameter: The maximum profile diameter your rotary process can handle
Maximum profile length: The maximum length of material that can be loaded into your Rotary process for cutting.
Chuck Allowance: What allowance needs to be left on the material for the chuck on your rotary machine.
Setup time: The time in seconds it takes on average for you to load the cutting machine with the program, parameters and load the machine with the required materials.
Setup mode: How you want to apply the setup time as a cost within your quotes
None - Setup charge does not need applying for this process
Line Item - The setup time specified will be applied to each individual line/part you are quoting for in your quote. e.g. 5 line items = 5 set up charges with 1 charge per line of the above time.
Material - The setup time will be spread across common material groups and thicknesses. e.g. 5 Line items, 3 differing materials = 3 setup charges split across the 5 line items based on materials that are common on parts
Loading time: The time in seconds it takes on average for your machine to be loaded with the material lengths required for cutting.
Loading mode: How you want to apply the loading time as a cost within your quotes
None - Loading time does not need applying for this process
Line Item - The Loading time specified will be applied to each individual line/part you are quoting for in your quote. e.g. 5 line items = 5 Loading charges with 1 charge per line of the above time.
Material - The Loading time will be spread across common material groups and thicknesses. e.g. 5 Line items, 3 differing materials = 3 Loading charges split across the 5 line items based on materials that are common on parts
Once completed select "Add" to add this Cutting Technology into your ToolBox account.
Your new Cutting Technology will now be visible within your Processes page.
Last updated