Downloading PDF documents

How to download the order confirmation, invoices and production documents.

There are two options to download these PDFs.

Option 1

On the main quotes page, you can find a download icon located on the right-hand side of each quote. By clicking on it, you can select the specific document that you want to download. Once you've made your selection, a new tab will open in your browser and the document will start downloading.

Please note that, excluding the quote PDF, the quote must be in the 'ORDERED' status to download the PDFs. If the documents are greyed out, you need to change the quote's status to 'ORDERED'. To do this, open the quote and select the 'ACTIONS' drop-down. From there, choose 'Mark as ordered'.

Option 2

On the main quotes page, select the 'quote ID'. image

Using the 'DOWNLOAD' button you can select the specific document that you want to download. Once you've made your selection, a new tab will open in your browser and the document will start downloading.

Please note that, excluding the quote PDF, the quote must be in the 'ORDERED' status to download the PDFs. If the documents are greyed out, you need to change the quote's status to 'ORDERED'. To do this, open the quote and select the 'ACTIONS' drop-down. From there, choose 'Mark as ordered'.

Proforma and tax invoice (Accounting documents)

Request payment for orders without having to wait for jobs to be entered into your accounting system

Order confirmation (Production documents)

Automate order confirmations to keep all stakeholders informed with details on order, delivery date, and total price.

Work order summary and work order (Production documents)

Printable work order and summary enhances your production process by giving your team the information they need to produce an order. Note: To ensure that all the information is included in the printout, we recommend making the following changes to your browser settings. Please note that ToolBox does not have control over specific advanced print settings.

Print scale: Adjust the scale to a range of 73% to 78%. As you modify the scaling, you will see the preview update. Choose the percentage that works best for your browser.

Options: Uncheck the option for "Headers and footers" and make sure to check the option for "Background graphics".

See below:

Delivery docket and production labels (Production documents)

No more missed steps or short counts. With a comprehensive checklist and production part tickets, you have everything you need to track parts and ensure quality and completeness.

Last updated